Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 7...Superheros!!!

Everyone needs a hero. I am so thankful that I get to have a SUPERhero! Everyday my little man plays superheros. He dresses up into some costume or cape or something! Sometimes he dresses on his own in his new Spiderman costume (I got it half off after Halloween for 5.50!!!) Then our friend Ms. Heather gave Hudson a cape with bolts of lightning and skulls and cross bones on it for his birthday this year and he pretends to be all sorts of things.

So far this past two weeks alone. He has been Captain Underpants, Captain Electrode (this is a new one since Halloween when he is this we have to listen the Monster Mash so everyone can get a "charge from my electrodes"), Captain Skeletor. It is amazing the superhero identities he can come up with. It is crazy just how creative he can get!

The most awesome part of this you ask??? When Hudson is in superhero disguise he is one of my best helpers!!! Often you can hear things like this "Mom don't worry Captain "so and so" can get that" or "Captain _____ to the rescue" and whatever secret identity he chooses for the day is usually amazing enough to make Nolan laugh big giant belly laughs!

Today Superhero Hudson was amazingly helpful with Nolan who is feeling a little under the weather from his shots he had this week.

Thankful for my helpful superhero. Thankful for costumes and dress up that keep my little man busy and happy for a large part of our day!

Momma to 3
*Shay B*

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