Friday, March 2, 2012

Back to the Gym

I have given myself a lot of leeway in teh working out department lately. It is amazing I am not back up MAJORLY! So I am back. If it kills me I am back again!

So last night (3-1-12 for records sake) I did two miles on the tread. While my first did have a lengthy warm up walk at a ridiculous incline my first mile time was UGLY.

The second wasn't AWFUL considering it has been almost two months since I worked out...

I have met some pretty big goals in my weight loss already. We are taking a mini vacation to Minnesota this summer (a childhood friend is getting married) and so the first goal is 20 more pounds by June.

The big goal? Josh's best friend (of forever and ever) is getting married in September and of course Josh is the best man and I would like to look fabulous on his arm if nothing else ;). So 30 more by my birthday August 31st. That will be a total of 50 pounds by the wedding. Here go again....

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