Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year Everyone! 2012 was a big and crazy year. I am hoping for a more calm and gently 2013. Busy but calm is my true hope. And one that ends with a MUCH healthier Shay! I am going to mostly be chronicling my weight loss here. Just because it motivates me. So I am going to be bringing back Weightloss Wednesdays and maybe a Tasty Tuesday with recipes and ideas. I need to be better this year. THE GOAL??? I turn 30 this year and celebrate my 10 year anniversary! Those are some pretty HUGE milestones. I want to feel fabulous. I want to look better. I want to KNOW I have done everything in my power to be healthy. That is the goal. To be healthy and strong. I did well in 2012! I started in the middle of June with this crazy weightloss/clean eating/gluten free dairy free lifestyle. I NEED to be healthier. The genetics in my family do not look pretty. Diabetes, Cancer, Obesity and other ugly words too. I don't want to be sickly and unable to enjoy my children or their children. Plus I want to encourage others who struggle because this hasn't been easy. Not even a little. I want to show God I care about this life and body he has given me. I want to prove to myself that I CAN do it. So this is the year I get serious. THE NUMBERS 244 is the starting number for today. 200 by August 31st. That is right 44 pounds in 8 months. HARD. Do-able but hard. I will have good weeks and bad. I am asking for you (if anyone reads here anymore) to hold me accountable. Yo know what I am trying to do if you see me snarfing (gluten free dairy free) cookies all day everyday. CALL ME ON IT. I hope I have learned enough self control but... hey. It helps to know people is watching! And now a look back on last year. The first photo is from our trip to Minnesota in June I was the largest I have ever been at 280. The second photo is from the first day of school in August I was 265 I think. And then the last picture was from Christmas Eve I was 242 I believe.
So yep I gained two over the holidays which is good considering the average number of pounds gained over the holidays is 10. So I will call that successful for me! So to a year of getting healthy and strong. A year of beating genetics. A year of owning my body and honoring God while I do it!

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