You decided Friday night was go and return jeans night. (Leanna got some jeans that were WAYYYY to big for her skinny self... for. her. birthday. I know I am a slacker mom!). So we loaded up the van when I got home from work (Josh is off on Friday's) and we went to the store and did some shopping. Leanna got 3 pairs of jeans and Hudson even got a pair of jeans and two long sleeve shirts. I love fall clothes!
Well Josh then tells me that the kids ate a really good dinner (I had to work late so it was 6:45 when I got home). So he and I decided that they deserved a treat. That and mommy can't turn down good ice cream.
So we went to Maggie Moo's which is AWESOME! We had a good time the kids got to pick whatever they wanted (with some restraints). Leanna had strawberry ice cream with chocolate sprinkles and fudge ice cream with reese's pieces. Hudson well he copied sister. Maggie Moo's calls it the half-n-half. Leanna ate every bite of it. Hudson well he tried. I had the half-n-half as well (in a chocolate dipped waffle bowl...) but I had espresso ice cream with peanut butter and reese's cups with cheesecake ice cream with chocolate chips and caramel sauce (see picture below). It was wonderful!
Some pictures of our fun evening out....
Leanna enjoying her bowl of deliciousness
Hudson was all about the yumminess
My bowl of heaven (looks larger than real life)
Finally, a little bit of sweetness outside of an ice cream bowl...
Fun times! How are all of you enjoy the "end" of your summers?
Oh Shay ... this did not help my craving for ice cream today ... not one bit!
Oh I am sorry! Maggie's Moos is cheap and delicious! I recommend it for all pregnant craving women and just women who have a craving ;)
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