So I told you I wanted to be held accountable and I do. So here it goes. I am in the top 4 heaviest in my office with the three others being men (big men). So I am a little depressed and down in the dumps. The only thing helping me is the fact that I am 5'10" which also makes me as tall if not taller than at least 1 if not 2 of those other 3 people.
So yeah... Slightly depressed this morning.
Here's hoping next week will be good news with a weight loss of 5 pounds. That is my goal this week. Aggressive yes but so is my plan.
Thanks for the support
P.S. Friday was also my 1 month anniversary of NOT smoking. I am also going to try and post pictures each week. Let me know if you see a difference! (Best picture I had this week sorry next weeks will be better).
I think that's a great picture! You look beautiful and are just glowing with your kids. Love it!!
Congrats on a month of no smoking!!!! I'm singing you a little song of congrats right now...can you hear it??? :)
Yay you for starting a biggest loser challenge at work! Are there any prizes? Good luck and I hope you win!
There are prizes. The person who loses the most weight in the 6 weeks wins $75 dollars. The person who loses more/the most or maintains the weight loss by January 30th gets $75 dollars as well.
Thanks for the song! I appreciate it. I just want to be a smaller and healthier version of Shay. Hudson is 2 years old I am running out of "excuses".
Awesome Shay!!! Office Biggest Loser things are great - I lost over 20 lbs doing that before I had Mia. I ended up winning the whole thing! Spent the $ on new clothes since my old ones didn't fit :) Competition is great incentive! Keep rockin' it, friend!! I'm seriously going to make you a shirt that says "the Incredible Shrinking Shay" on it :)
I am so glad I have you guys as friends. You both have made me smile in a horribly gone wrong kind of day! Thanks for caring about me and thanks for the smiles!
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