Saturday, August 21, 2010

6 years ago today...

I gave birth to a screaming, red faced, blue eyed, wrinkly chubby little thing.

I don't think I can handle all the emotions from this birthday.

I didn't freak out at 5 like I thought I would. However, today for some reason 6 seems like such a BIG number. Maybe it is the whole school starting thing. Maybe it is her face, expressions, attitude, smile or just the fact that she is over 4ft tall. Maybe it is everything wrapped up into one.Whatever it is. She is big all of a sudden.

She doesn't just fold up into the side of me anymore. She is this gangly thing all arms and legs. She has these expressions that make me do a double take. She is a caring and kind and compassionate little person. Don't get me wrong she is also snotty, crazy, sassy and silly. Wrap it all up... you have this amazing little person.

Today started at 6:00 this morning. Leanna crawled into my bed. Whispering into my ear she says... "Momma", pause. "Momma", she said again. "What Leanna", I reply. "Momma it is my birthday today", she says still whispering. "Do you know I am six?", she says next. Tears welled in my eyes. Yep me... teary eyed over my little girl telling me she is 6. "Of course I know you are 6 silly girl", I whisper back to her. "Does that make you to big to snuggle with your momma and catch a few more sleeps with me?" I asked. "You gonna share the soft pillow with me momma?" She countered. My answer was to scoot-ch over and wrap her up in my arms. A great way to start the 6th year of my girl!

Today was a great day for my girl. She had a great birthday. A post tomorrow on that for now... some pictures of the birthday girl with some oldies thrown in...

This is on her first birthday.

She was a little over a year here.

Officially 6 years old...

and just because it makes me smile...

1 comment:

Sarah G said...

Oh, my!! 6!! That is a big number! What a beautiful 6 year old you have!! I love those pics you posted...too cute!