Sunday, January 6, 2013

30 day shred

I started the 30 day shred today. It was HARD. Really hard. I didn't like it at all. But that is okay I did my best AND I finished it! The best part was that my small people did it with me. Which was great! They said they enjoyed it and Leanna told me later that "my gluteous hurts...that's what that silly woman called my bottom mom!" It was a fun time and I am proud of myself for getting up, working out, showering and making it to church on time for Sunday School (which is important because I am a teacher!) I am jogging/walking with a friend tomorrow and I am excited about it. I hope that she and I can become jogging/running buddies someday soon. I think that would be awesome! So Wednesday will be check in day! How is your week going. Started at 243.8 for me. Let's see where it ends up! Happy Sunday all!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year Everyone! 2012 was a big and crazy year. I am hoping for a more calm and gently 2013. Busy but calm is my true hope. And one that ends with a MUCH healthier Shay! I am going to mostly be chronicling my weight loss here. Just because it motivates me. So I am going to be bringing back Weightloss Wednesdays and maybe a Tasty Tuesday with recipes and ideas. I need to be better this year. THE GOAL??? I turn 30 this year and celebrate my 10 year anniversary! Those are some pretty HUGE milestones. I want to feel fabulous. I want to look better. I want to KNOW I have done everything in my power to be healthy. That is the goal. To be healthy and strong. I did well in 2012! I started in the middle of June with this crazy weightloss/clean eating/gluten free dairy free lifestyle. I NEED to be healthier. The genetics in my family do not look pretty. Diabetes, Cancer, Obesity and other ugly words too. I don't want to be sickly and unable to enjoy my children or their children. Plus I want to encourage others who struggle because this hasn't been easy. Not even a little. I want to show God I care about this life and body he has given me. I want to prove to myself that I CAN do it. So this is the year I get serious. THE NUMBERS 244 is the starting number for today. 200 by August 31st. That is right 44 pounds in 8 months. HARD. Do-able but hard. I will have good weeks and bad. I am asking for you (if anyone reads here anymore) to hold me accountable. Yo know what I am trying to do if you see me snarfing (gluten free dairy free) cookies all day everyday. CALL ME ON IT. I hope I have learned enough self control but... hey. It helps to know people is watching! And now a look back on last year. The first photo is from our trip to Minnesota in June I was the largest I have ever been at 280. The second photo is from the first day of school in August I was 265 I think. And then the last picture was from Christmas Eve I was 242 I believe.
So yep I gained two over the holidays which is good considering the average number of pounds gained over the holidays is 10. So I will call that successful for me! So to a year of getting healthy and strong. A year of beating genetics. A year of owning my body and honoring God while I do it!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Our family got to drive to Minnesota this year for a wedding of an old family friend (congrats Dale and Sarah!). So my sister and her dog and our family decided we wanted to go. We had an amazing trip. We drove at night (we left at around 7:00 in the evening and drove straight through it is a 13 hour trip without stops and we made it to Minnesota by noon the next day. It was a great trip hardly any issues at all. It was a beautiful time. The country was GORGEOUS! My children loved hearing about the states as we drove through them (MO, IL, WI, MN). It was a fun time. The kids got to dip their toes (it was FREEZING so no swimming) into Lake Superior. And swim at the resort pool and hang out in a cabin. We had a wonderful time. We hiked and played on playgrounds. Really a fun time. Some pictures.
We are talking about trying to go back again because it was soooo beautiful!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sprinkler Fun with Friends

My kids are water babies! They love to play in water. Whether it be swimming, sprinklers, water guns or a plan ole tub of bath water. We were dropping off friends after a fun day of playing together and it erupted into a spontaneous sprinkler evening instead. I love these times when I get to be a yes mom! They had a great time and I got to chat with a friend. It was a great way to end the day.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Shelby's Graduation

Josh's little cousin Shelby graduated from high school this year and of course we all went to witness her big accomplishment. It was a small nightmare trying to get there (a bridge was out due to construction) and the parking was ASTRONOMICAL... and we didn't realize we would have to pay to park... ugh... all memories right? BUT we were there and we got to watch Shelby walk across the stage it was very exciting!
Way to go Shelby! We are so proud of you and so glad we got to be there on your special day!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Karate Kontinues....

In May we also had another karate awards ceremony! Leanna and Hudson really do love karate but we have decided to take a break over the summer. But we will continue in the fall. They really are doing well and love learning all they can! It is great for Hudson as it has taught him how to focus a little more. For Leanna the lessons are different... karate isn't something she gets easily she has to work hard and even then doesn't always get it. She is learning perfectionism isn't an option. They both earned the Green/Black belt this semester. Some pictures...
So proud of them!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Last Day of School...

Leanna is now a second grader and Hudson will start Kindergarten in the fall! WOW!!! A picture from the first day of school:
And now the last day of school:
My oh my how big they have gotten. WOW!